Energy Saving Charter on "No ILB"

關於約章計劃“不要鎢絲燈泡”節能約章。參與約章的供應商及零售商須簽署約章,承諾停止補充指定的鎢絲燈泡,並於二零一三年年底完全停售這些燈泡。參與約章的商會將全力支持節能約章並致力推廣更環保的照明技術,節省電力。參與約章的用家將避免採購指定的鎢絲燈泡作一般照明用途及採用較高能源效益的照明燈具。註 :指定的鎢絲燈泡包括220伏特單相電源的25瓦或以上的非反射型鎢絲燈泡,包括一般照明用燈泡、蠟燭形、花式圓形及其他裝飾燈泡,但不包括鎢絲鹵素燈泡。

Energy Saving Charter on "No ILB": To combat climate change and to encourage community-wide participation in saving energy, we have signed up to the Government's Energy Saving Charter on "No Incandescent Light Bulbs (ILB)" in Hong Kong. We are committed to promote greener lighting for conserving energy. We pledge to refrain from procuring targeted ILB for general lighting purposes; and to adopt more energy-efficient lighting. Let us work together in our pursuit of sustainable development.

LED lighting • LED installation • smart home projects